Friday 5 November 2021

Friday 1 October 2021




Once Upon a Time

 I went to see my cousin. I went on an aeroplane. After about 2 hours it crashed and the wing went down.  

I jumped out of the aeroplane and smashed into the water. Then I got to shore.

Day 1 

I had to get some shelter. I got some leaves and sticks. I made a hut then. I grabbed a couple of rocks and made a circle then put sticks in it so I sparked two rocks. Then some more sparks burst into flames then I went to bed.

 Day 2  

I was hungry so I looked on the ground for a  stick. To use as a spear a sharp rock and a piece of vine then made a spear and went to the beach. I was looking for fish. 

I swished my spear in the water. I speared a fish and said yay I went back to camp and cooked fish for dinner and 

made a leaf bed and went to bed.


Day 3 

So I wake up and feel thirsty and I go to the creek and have a drink and you go to the camp, have fish for breakfast then look around the place and sit on a tree. Then I saw a pig then went to the camp. I got my then spear and threw it and I hit it and fell on the ground 30  minutes later I got the meat out of the pig then.   I put  the meat in my bag  then I went to the beach and had a swim 1 hour later I looked and sore a coconut tree and  got  out of the water and  got some rocks and cracked the coconut and had coconut   to eat   then I use the coconut shell as a bowl then had soup then went to sleep 


I woke up feeling funny and a boa was in the bed wrapped around my arm. l had to be bitten by the bc. That's why I felt funny and sore and I kicked the b.c. It slithered away then I got breakfast then I went to check the trap. You caught a monkey and a couple hours later the monkey became my friend and I called him Jordin and I made a little bed for him then I grabbed some fruit from the tree to feed my monkey. We had dinner together and went to bed. 

day 5  

The bc came back. Jordin the monkey ran to attack and threw a coconut at the viper. It dodged the coconut. I ran to help my monkey. I picked up the bc and threw it in the bushes and my monkey ran into the bush hut and ate some pineapple and he looked fat.  I laughed when I heard a boat coming to help me. I got on the boat. I got my monkey and put him on the boat and we got off the Island.

Friday 2 July 2021

Scientific Procedure Writing

 We have been learning to write a procedure for science experiments.

Candy Dissolver

Question.  I think the orange colour will mix in the water and leave a white Jelly Bean.

 Hypothesis:  The sugar will dissolve with the water and leave a white Jelly.


  • Get four cups

  • Put salt water vinegar and oil

  • Then get the Jelly bean in

  • Then wait for the results


The water will peel the skin of the Jelly bean then leave a white jelly bean.

Friday 18 June 2021

Instructions writing

 We have been learning how to write a set of instructions.

How to brush my teeth.


  •  you would need a  toothbrush

  • 2 and you would need toothpaste

  • you  would need water


1.Get your toothbrush

2. Put toothpaste on it.

3. Put it in your mouth

4. Rinse your mouth with water

4 put it back and go to bed 

Friday 14 May 2021

Jordin poems

I have written an animal simile poem.

Friday 7 May 2021

Cinquain poem

 We have been learning to write poetry in class.  Here is my cinquain poem on puppies.

Friday 9 April 2021

Maths Art

 We have been learning about, rotation, transformation and reflection.  Here is my art to show this.